Innovations of Empirical Software Engineering

SML@b Teaching & Courses

Contact: Reiner R. Dumke, Magdeburg, Germany, Email

unser Lehrangebot über alle Paradigmen,
deren theoretische Grundlagen und den
effizienten Technologien ihrer Anwendung

unser Lehr-Team

Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (EAD)

CONTENTS: Basics of informatics, Java overview, simple algorithms, programming languages, basic data types, terms & expressions, applicative algorithm, imperative algorithm, objects and classes, sorting and seraching algorithms, OO prgroamming, formal algorithm models, Markov algorithm, executable aspects, correctness of algorithms and programs, Java interfaces & GUIs, complexity and effort, efficient algorithms, program analysis, Java applets, algorithm design, abstract data types, algebraic specifications, complexe data types, lists, stacks, queues, trees, AVL trees, B trees, hash methos, graphs, nets, text and file searching, image executions, Web programming, components

Compilerbau (CB)

CONTENTS: programming languages & technologies; formal descriptions of syntax & semantic; syntaxdirected parsing, lexical analysis, symbol tables & intermediate codes; finite automata, regular expressions & DEA analysis; three address code, type control, control flow & translations; storage organization & stack executing, heap management & garbage collection; code generation, code optimization; LR & LALR parsing, SDD evaluation & SDT schemata; Yacc & JavaCC applications; precompiler, parallelism & pipelining

Programmierung (PROG)

CONTENTS: programming languages, techniques & descripitons; Java history, imperative Java programming (data types, expressions, control structures, input/output), Java OO programming (classes, interfaces, stacks, lists, generic types, annotations, documentations); Java GUI & applets, complexe data types (vectors, trees, hash tables, collections etc.); programm verification & testing; graphic programming; Java program analysis und optimization; time and data in Java, Java exceptions, Java net programming, processes in Java, authenticity and authoring Java, multi languages in Java applications, Javabeans

Programmierparadigmen (PGP)

CONTENTS: programming languages, techniques & paradigms; aspect-oriented modelling, programming & testing using AspectJ; functional programming using Haskell, functional modelling, programming & testing; logical programming using Prolog; logical modelling, programming & testing; efficiency & quality of programming paradigms

Verifikation und Validation (V&V)

CONTENTS: Faults, errors & failures; V&V and software development; software verification: reviews, inspections & wlakthroughs; unit & integration test (black box vs. white box testing); OO testing, testing of distributed systems, formal verification, verifiatuion of concurrency and object oriented systems; performance and stress test; software validation: acceptance testing, independent V&V; V&V life cycle and V&V management

Software Engineering (SWE)

CONTENTS: foundations of software engineering, sofwtare life cycles & phases (problem defintion, requirement analysis, design, implementation & validation), software maintenance, software personnel, CASE tools and masurements; project management and effort estimation; software systems (data-oriented, functional, embedded, knowledge-based etc.); software development paradigms (object-oriented (OOSE), component-based (CBSE), service-oriented (SOSE) agent-based (AOSE)); OO software development using UML, Eclipse and JUint;

Softwarequalitätsmanagement (SQM)

CONTENTS: software quality management (SQM) motivation, planning & introducing; software product quality (design & code measurement and evaliuation); software process quality (development quality & process maturity); softare ressouce quality (CASE & COTS quality, personal quality processes); the CAME approach of software measurement & evaluatuion; measurement artefacts, measures & metrics, measurement frameworks & CAME tools; software e-measurement & measurement infrastructures (cockpits, dashboards etc.)

Komponentenbasierte Softwareentwicklung (CBSE)

CONTENTS: term of components; components vs. objects, component architectures; specification of CBSE (domain engineering, SanFrancisco framework, pattern), design approaches of CBSE (B-COTS method, asset libraries, COCOTS etc.), CBSE design technologies (COM/DCOM and CORBA), enterprise java beans (EJB) technology, quality assurance & applications

Verteilte Systementwicklung (VSE)

CONTENTS: basic principles (modelling, client/server), modelling of distributed systems (networks, RPC, RMI, COM/DCOM, IDL, XML, MQueries), processes (intraction, communication, server processes, CSP descriptions, name spaces, IDs), transaction management, software agents, security aspects & installation), performance of distributed systems, design of distributed systems (ORB, RMI, SOAP, CORBA), Java applets, EJBs, distributed testing, CSCW

Service Engineering (SOSE)

CONTENTS: Basic Web technologies, XML techniques (CSS, WML, SMIL, RDF, DAML, OIL), enterprise application integration (EAI), Service-oriented architectures (SOA), SOA technologies (SOAP, WSDL, UDDI, SAML), service coordination, transactions, service composition, Web services & EAI, service quality improvement

Web Engineering (Web)

CONTENTS: terms of Web engineering, Web technology stages, Web system requirement analysis, specification (DRHM, UML, CSCW etc.), Web security, Web usability, Web performance), Web design Web services), Web implementation & deployment, Web system maintenance, Web development models (HDM, RMM, WSDM, WebML), Web CASE tools (Dreamwaever, WebOOGL, Doctor HTML etc.), Web personal, Web management, E-learning, e-commerce & cyberworlds

Agentenorientierte Systementwicklung (AOSE)

CONTENTS: Basics of software agents, autonmous, intelligent & mobile agents, agents and communication, cooperation, coordination & collaboration; multi agent systems, agent platforms, examples of agent systems (Web tomography etc.); software agent system development (quality assurance, training & perfromance); exercises with JADE system

Software-Infrastrukturen (SOFI)

CONTENTS: Components of software infrastructures, basics of distributed systems, architecture models & performances, middleware architectures (ActiveX, CORBA etc.), component based architectures (.NET, EJB etc.), service-oriented acrhitectures (SOA, JMS etc.), adaptive acrhitectures, server architectures, Grid infrastructures & cloud computing using Azure)